The WELLNESS BALANCER (FE*) is a device that combines ancient knowledge with state-of-the-art technology and science. Due to its design, symbolism, technology and tachyonization, it has an effect on many different levels. Above all, sacred geometry and spiritual laws are also taken into account.
The WELLNESS BALANCER (FE) recognizes the user's unique personal bioenergy field and filters out background environmental disturbances. In contrast to similar systems, the user is then not treated with a standard frequency, but with a frequency that is individually tailored to them. This frequency is then emitted into the user's bioenergy field via the pyramid and can be absorbed within a radius of approx. 10 m.
As an essential part of the energy distribution system, the highly modern hardware is housed in a pyramid shape. Each side of the pyramid has a sensory plate with a specific symbolism.
The pyramid is connected to a PC or notebook via a USB cable and has a harmonizing effect even without a computer connection. Various programs can be selected using the software supplied, each of which runs for 1618 seconds (approx. 27 minutes).
* FE = FOSTAC Edition
Fields of application