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FOSTAC® Himalayan Crystal Salts

Salt and health

Life is not possible without salt; on the other hand, the amount of salt that we consume today is extremely harmful to health. This is because our so-called cooking salt has very little in common with original salt as it occurs in crystalline form. Cooking salt is chiefly sodium chloride, and not the salt that we need for living. For natural salt is far more than just sodium chloride; it contains all the natural elements, precisely those elements that our bodies are also made of, and out of which our life once emerged from the primordial ocean.
Commercial cooking salt is nothing like natural salt, because 82 of the original 84 elements have been extracted from this refined industrial salt, and they are sold in other forms, such as nutritional supplements or preparations of trace elements and minerals.

From "white gold" to "white poison"

The element fluorine is generally added to cooking salt, in the form of a compound. Fluorine is the most reactive element, a greenish-yellow pungent smelling gas that belongs to the halogen group. Iodine is artificially added, because it is supposedly good for the thyroid, and fluorine because it is good for the teeth. However, both these element compounds significantly increase the toxicity of sodium chloride.
This sodium chloride (NaCl) acts upon the human and animal organism as an aggressive poison, and anyone can prove this to themselves just by sniffing – it smells of chemicals! If refined salt is used in an aquarium instead of sea salt, the fish are poisoned within five minutes; horses also shun salt licks made from this salt.

Side effects of refined cooking salt

Dehydration of tissues, build-up of deposits due to combination of toxic NaCl with amino-acids, causing kidney stones and build-up of uric acid in limbs and muscles with rheumatic diseases. The disturbance in the electrolytic balance causes oedema, which may lead to excess weight and circulatory problems.
Cooking salt is an aggressive cell poison that also over-stresses the excretory organs.

The source of Himalayan crystal salt

Our Himalayan crystal salt comes from the Himalaya mountains in Pakistan. Crystallised out from the primordial sea and dried by the sun, it is extracted from one of the oldest salt mines on Earth, carefully mined by hand and then crushed. It is natural, and of outstanding purity and quality. And it contains more than 80 of the elements that are so important for the human body.

Himalayan crystal salt may be preserved almost indefinitely, and should be kept dry.

FOSTAC® Himalayan salts

Our salts and herbs are energised with FOSTAC® technology; thus the minerals in them are infused with biologically positive information from the source of life, and negative information is dissipated. This promotes stable health and slows down cell ageing. Our bodies become more resistant and we experience an increased sense of general well-being.
Apart from a small amount of anti-caking agent, they contain no additives such as fluorine and iodine, since these cause more harm than good.


Salt and water are essential components of our Earth, and of all life. Water provides our bodies with life information and energy, and supports the transport of nutrients, the supply of nutrients to the cells and the removal of toxins. The water content of our bodies also has a great influence on our physical constitution (e.g. the lack of water leads to disordered perception).

Salt is important in many ways for our nourishment and health. Good salt and good herbs all contain minerals that are essential to life and for the functioning of our cells. All the processes that go on within us are electromagnetic by nature; there is an interaction of positively and negatively charged ions. Many people know for example about the "potassium-sodium pump", which maintains the exchange of nourishment between the blood vessels and the cells.

Salt has been recognised as important and indispensable to mankind for thousands of years. In its crystallised form, it could easily be scraped from stones and rocks on the banks of saltwater lakes or obtained from dried-out lake beds.

In the Middle East, salt was used from the earliest times for preserving both fish and meat, making use of the property of salt for extracting fluid from tissues. This "drying out" prevents the decomposing action of enzymes and micro-organisms, and so prevents food from spoiling. This discovery greatly increased the demand for salt.

The trade in salt developed into a profitable and highly competitive line of business. Salt, the "white gold", soon became something of a universal currency.

Over the centuries, salt has played an important role in traditional beliefs. Its sacral character probably stems from the fact that, because of its benefits, it was not viewed merely as a medicine for the body.
The value ascribed to it was linked with the fact that it was seen as beneficial for the mental and spiritual virtues as well as for strengthening moral values.

The meaning of the word "salt"

The word "salt" is derived from the Latin word "sal", which in turn comes from "sol". Sol is a synonym for "sole", a late Middle-High German word meaning "a solution of salt and water".

The word "salt" goes back to the Latin word for "sun", whilst the Celtic word "hall" encompasses the meanings "heil" for healing and "schall" for vibration.

Pure crystal salt is still referred to by geologists as "halite", in which we once again find the Celtic word "hall" for vibration and "lit" for light. Thus, freely translated, crystal salt or halite means "vibrating light" or "light vibration".

The structure of salt

In salt we find the whole frequency spectrum of all the elements that also occur in the human body.

  • Salt is able to do away with energy deficiency.
  • The crystalline structure of salt is electrical, not molecular.
  • Because our bodies can absorb it, salt does not have to be metabolised by our bodies.
  • Without salt we would be unable to think at all, let alone to act on our thoughts!



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